
Contact us

Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment

School of Geography and the Environment
University of Oxford
South Parks Road
Oxford, OX1 3QY
United Kingdom

The OUCE / Dyson Perrins building can be found on the corner of Hinshelwood and South Park Roads.


For all general enquiries:

SSEE Director

SSEE Chief Operating Officer

For media and press enquiries

For events enquiries

For executive education enquiries

For development enquiries

To reach individual researchers

Contact information can be found on our researchers' individual webpages.

Information for prospective MSc students

Information for prospective DPhil students

The Smith School does not offer an independent graduate programme but senior SSEE academics are able to supervise students who are admitted to the Doctor of Philosophy (DPhil) programme at the School of Geography and the Environment or other DPhil programmes around the University. Prospective graduate students should apply through the School of Geography and the Environment's International Graduate School in the first instance.