
Shifting global systems to a sustainable future

Our executive education portfolio is rapidly expanding and is underpinned by the Smith Schools vision of enabling a net-zero emissions future supported by a sustainable global economic and financial system - a healthy planet and a more prosperous, fairer world.  

Programmes are centred on the multi-disciplinary research centres of the School, which focus on finance, law, enterprise and economics and specifically how these clusters relate to the environment. We aim to provide leaders and organisations with actions for implementation, the confidence to drive change, opportunities to reflect, a safe space for learning, and a cross-pollination of ideas with their peers.   

Public and Third Sector Academy for Sustainable Finance (P3S Academy)

The P3S Academy provides free and significantly discounted capacity building for central and local government, regulators, supervisory authorities, multilateral institutions, NGOs, and philanthropy on sustainable finance and related topics.

Custom Executive Education Programmes

As a world-leading environmental institute based at the University of Oxford the Smith School is uniquely placed as a partner for customised executive education programmes.

In partnership with Saïd Business School


Environmental Heroes and Villains – What Separates Truly Sustainable Organisations from those that Play Around the Edges?

Oxford Smith School Head of Executive Education Giovani Palafox-Alcantar explores the divide between companies that are acting on their climate commitments, and those that are only paying lip-service to sustainability. "The line between the two lies in authenticity and action... In an era when stakeholders demand accountability, only heroes will thrive," he said.