


For investors, green companies still hard to find with new emissions reporting rules

Investors looking to weed out climate laggards from portfolios will struggle to accurately compare companies, according to Reuters. Jimmy Jia, researcher at the Oxford Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, said as well as differences in defining what should be counted under existing GHGP guidelines, companies may use different calculation processes or present data in different ways.

"Investors need to understand if a difference is due to an operational difference, or because the entities applied different accounting methodologies," he said.


Can we stop climate change without putting the brakes on economic growth?

As the world grapples with climate change, biodiversity loss and other environmental challenges, campaigners and some academics are questioning a central tenet of modern society – that continued economic growth is desirable. Professor Sam Fankhauser argues in favour of green growth, saying that "there’s no reason to believe that an economy powered by cars that are electric and renewable energy and hydrogen that fuels industry ... structurally or permanently must generate less prosperity."


The UK Isn’t Ready for the Heat That’s Coming

"We need to start adapting to the world that lies beyond 1.5C. That means putting sustainable cooling on the agenda," - Bloomberg climate opinion editor Lara Williams explores new research co-authored by Dr Radhika Khosla, which finds Switzerland, UK and Norway will face a huge adaptation challenge if the world hits 2.0C of warming.