
Dr Laurence Wainwright wins Teaching Excellence Award

Dr Laurence Wainwright has been presented with a Teaching Excellence Award from the University of Oxford’s Social Sciences Division. Dr Wainwright is a Departmental Lecturer at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, and Director of its MSc in Sustainability, Enterprise and the Environment.


Europe is seeing “devastating” rise in health harms from extreme weather events, experts warn

Dr Laurence Wainwright comments on the latest European State of the Climate report, which found that instances of extreme heat and other climate events are continuing to rise in Europe. "While most people understand that extreme heat creates problems for physical health, there is far less understanding of the considerable impacts that it presents for mental health—especially for those with an underlying psychiatric condition," he said.


Hot and bothered

Dr Laurence Wainwright discussed how heatwaves can worsen certain mental health conditions on ABC Radio, through lack of sleep and dehydration and by worsening side effects and efficacy of certain medications. 


Ramifications of Rishi Sunak’s cabinet reshuffle

Dr Laurence Wainwright comments on the appointment of Steve Barclay MP to the role of environment secretary in a letter to the Times' editor. "With a background of the City, Sandhurst, health, and EU negotiations, he is an eclectic and somewhat odd choice for the role, perhaps illustrating the lack of priority the government gives to the portfolio. Countries leading the charge on sustainability are increasingly giving environmental ministerial roles to those who have qualifications and experience in the field, rather than simply handing it out as a second-class role for someone who has been demoted."

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