


Market value of carbon offsets drops 61%, report finds

Negative scientific and press reports on the efficacy of carbon credit projects has led to a ‘direct pullback in buyer investment,' reports The Guardian. Kaya Axelsson said that carbon markets will "lose relevance unless they radically reform in line with net zero aims" while Stephan Lezak asserted that the current market for carbon offsets "is a bit like a burning building. We need folks to be firefighters and run toward it, rather than walk away and let it burn to the ground."


'A good deal': UK climate goals can be delivered at 'minimal cost', study finds

The UK could meet its 2030 emissions targets by mobilising between £6bn and £8bn of public investment annually, a new analysis from University of Oxford researchers has calculated. "A focus on only the initial costs of adoption denies households and businesses significant savings that low-carbon technologies offer, for example when a household has to replace an ageing boiler or vehicle in the coming years as millions of businesses and homes will be doing," said Dr Anupama Sen. 


Dr Laurence Wainwright wins Teaching Excellence Award

Dr Laurence Wainwright has been presented with a Teaching Excellence Award from the University of Oxford’s Social Sciences Division. Dr Wainwright is a Departmental Lecturer at the Smith School of Enterprise and the Environment, and Director of its MSc in Sustainability, Enterprise and the Environment.


Can We Solve Climate Change by Suing Polluters?

"Climate litigation is not just growing — it’s snowballing," writes The Daily Upside. However, international courts have been slow to catch up. Dr Ben Franta of the Oxford Sustainable Law Programme comments:  “It’s a well-known challenge [with] international courts: Because they don’t have independent police power, they must persuade member states to comply with their orders.”


Vice-Chancellor’s Awards Honour Outstanding Achievements in Smith School

Two Oxford Smith School programmes were awarded in the recent Vice Chancellors awards. The Global Youth Climate Training programme - a Smith School, School of Geography and Global Youth Coalition initiative - won the Environmental Sustainability Award. REACH, a global research programme to improve water security led by Professor Rob Hope, won the VC's Research Engagement Award.