


Climate Plans That Rely Too Much on Carbon Removal Could Breach International Law

“There is no way to meet the Paris Agreement target of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees without removing some carbon dioxide from the atmosphere,” said Dr Rupert Stuart-Smith, a professor of climate law at the University of Oxford and lead author of the paper. But, he said, climate plans that do too little to cut emissions in the short term and lean too heavily on carbon removal over the long term could breach international law.


Ramifications of Rishi Sunak’s cabinet reshuffle

Dr Laurence Wainwright comments on the appointment of Steve Barclay MP to the role of environment secretary in a letter to the Times' editor. "With a background of the City, Sandhurst, health, and EU negotiations, he is an eclectic and somewhat odd choice for the role, perhaps illustrating the lack of priority the government gives to the portfolio. Countries leading the charge on sustainability are increasingly giving environmental ministerial roles to those who have qualifications and experience in the field, rather than simply handing it out as a second-class role for someone who has been demoted."


Solar’s forgotten kidnapping

Carbon Brief takes a look at Dr Sugandha Srivastav’s thought experiment, which asks how far solar energy could have come had it not been for the kidnapping of George Cove.


Seasonal affective disorder - or SAD - isn't just 'winter blues'

Dr Laurence Wainwright talked to Sky News about seasonal affective disorder, or SAD, including some of the common misconceptions. "People say just go off to southern Europe on holiday for a few days and you'll be right as rain, but that's not the case with mental illness. This is a serious medical condition," he said. 


UK meat consumption at lowest level since records began, data reveals

Meat consumption has declined 14% since 2012, according to The Guardian. Dr Mike Clark comments: "The UK national food strategy recommends a 30% reduction in meat consumption by 2032, while the Climate Change Committee recommends a 35% reduction in meat consumption. Meeting either of the above targets requires a doubling in the rate of meat reduction compared with the rate from the last 10 years.”