


ECGI Blog Review Vol. 3: Governance & Climate Change

Thom Wetzer, Associate Professor of Law and Finance and Director of the Oxford Sustainable Law Programme, guest edited the European Corporate Governance Institute’s latest Blog Review. Titled “Governance & Climate Change,” the Review explores the “pivotal questions that boardrooms across the globe will have to address in the years ahead.” 


Carbon markets are broken. Here are three ways we can start fixing them

Stephen Lezak and Kaya Axelsson detail the problems with carbon offsetting markets, and how Oxford's revised Offsetting Principles can help solve them. "Current offsetting practices must be overhauled to meet critical climate targets. And until governments finally intervene to regulate carbon offsetting, the responsibility for reform falls at the feet of buyers and investors. Our updated principles can help them live up to this planetary responsibility."


Oxford says carbon offsets aren’t helping net zero as it updates guidance

The University of Oxford has updated its flagship guidance for entities using carbon offsets, calling for a “major course-correction” to get the market on track, reports IPE. Oxford Sustainable Finance Group researcher Injy Johnstone commented: “the vast majority of current offsetting approaches are not getting us any closer to net zero emissions, and trust in the concept of ‘offsetting’ has been so badly damaged that some organisations are moving away from using the term at all."



Shedding light on the finances of solar panels

Dr Sugandha Srivastav and Dr Brian O'Callaghan commented on the finances behind solar panels for this Financial Times feature. “A lot of the time governments will say we’re making panels domestically, but all they’re doing is assembling the parts... Upstream supply chains are really important to be cognisant of,” said Dr. O'Callaghan.